You have sent an email campaign and viewed the sending report. You notice that some recipients have not received the email and that their status is "rejected".
This article explains what is behind this term:
Reasons for rejection
The reasons can be many - here are some examples:
- The email address no longer exists
- The recipient's mailbox is full and can no longer receive communications
- The servers of the recipient's email service provider are temporarily unavailable
- Several previous communications had been considered spam, etc.
Temporary Rejection
The email has been temporarily rejected by the server but attempting to send it again; it's likely to be received. If the email is not in rejected status in the next attempts, it means that the recipient has received the email.
Here are the main reasons that can explain this temporary rejection:
- The customer's mailbox is full
- The customer's email server is offline or temporarily unavailable
- The message sent by email is too heavy
- The recipient's domain is temporarily blocking the reception
Why does an email service provider (or ESP for "Email Service Provider") reject certain emails?
ESPs - MSN, AOL, Yahoo, Gmail, etc. - provide email services and manage deliverability rules. They determine, for example, what should be considered spam or not. Usually, they do not share the "recipe" of these rules. Otherwise, they will become too easy for Spammers to circumvent.
These famous recipes change regularly, according to the wishes of the ESPs. They are impossible to anticipate and impact all emailing services - Springly like the others.
At Springly, when we detect a change in the game's rules, we do our best to get in touch with the ESPs, do what is necessary to ensure the best possible deliverability, and/or inform you of the new rules of the game.
Permanent rejection
This means that the rejection of the email by the server is permanent. Below are the main reasons:
- The user's email address does not exist
- There is a typo in the email (e.g. instead of
- The recipient's mailbox considers the email to be spam
- The message sent is too heavy for the mailbox
What to do in case of a large number of rejections?
We have made available the possibility of attempting a new sending, which generally unblocks the situation. To do this, click on the "RESEND REJECTED EMAILS" button.
Only rejected emails will be resent. Their status will be updated when they are successfully delivered.
What to do if a valid email address is rejected?
In any case, if you notice permanent rejections on your emailing campaign, the first check to make is to consult the list of unsubscribers.
For each group created in Community > Groups, an equivalent list is created in Emailing > Lists.
All community-related lists in this section are divided into four parts:
- Recipients: everyone on the list
- Unsubscribed: people who have requested to no longer receive your communications
- Without email address: people whose email address is not provided
- Emails identified as invalid: people for whom your communications are permanently rejected
Consult the unsubscribed list to check if the addresses in permanent rejection appear there.
To re-register people who are in permanent rejection whose valid email addresses, you can check the boxes of the email addresses that are in the Unsubscribed section and click on the "Re-register" button like this:
If the email address is valid but continues to be rejected, the problem lies elsewhere.
Information about the rejection is now accessible from the:
- the list of recipients in the "Emails identified as invalid" section
- the summary page of your email campaign sent
- the person's profile file
The link "See the reason for the rejection" provides you with explanations, as well as advice to improve the situation.
If the recipients' mail servers do not automatically send the reason for the rejection. In this case, we indicate that it is unknown. If necessary, contact our Support team by using the "Contact Us" in green. at the top right-hand corner "Emailing and communication," indicating the campaign and the email address concerned. Once we have received your request, we will look into it.
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